FTD® proudly presents the Purple Prose™ Bouquet. A fresh flower bouquet that speaks in the tones of love and caring kindness, this blushing display is one your special recipient won't soon forget! Pale pink gerbera daisies make a splash of sweetness when paired with fragrant lavender stock, dark pink spray roses, violet mini carnations, Queen Anne's Lace, and lush greens. Presented in a deep purple glass vase to give this flower arrangement a complete, finished look, this bouquet is ready to send your warmest happy birthday, thank you, or thinking of you wishes in style. GOOD bouquet is approx. 13"H x 12"W. BETTER bouquet is approx. 14"H x 13"W. BEST bouquet is approx. 14"H x 14"W. EXQUISITE bouquet is approx. 15"H x 14"W. details Approximately 14"H x 13"W Deep purple glass vase included Free personalized gift message stems Carnation Daisy Gerbera Daisy Lavender Queen Anne's Lace Rose Violet